Monday, 18 July 2016


A warm welcome to all families...

Dear Parents,

 Third Grade is a most exciting year, full of wonderful experiences and milestone moments. It is a year which often sets the tone for a child’s intermediate school career and we are so pleased to be embarking on this journey with your child.

In our classrooms, students are encouraged to be proud of who they are and what they accomplish. All students are seen as unique and special individuals and are challenged at a level appropriate for them. We look forward, with great excitement, to a fantastic year together. 

Please note that a two page questionnaire was sent home today. Please fill this questionnaire out and return to me at your earliest convenience.

We look forward to meeting all the parents at the "Back To School Evening", on Wednesday, August 28th at 6:30pm (in person). At that time, we will share some very important information about the Third Grade Program with you. Moreover, we will elaborate on how we can work together as partners to make Third Grade a successful and special year for each and every child. 

Warmest regards,

Ms. Kaplan and Rabbi Dinerman